Lanesboro Booster Club

Current Booster Club Board Members:

Amy and Matt Lawstuen

Cheryl and Jon Kettner

John and April Prinzing

Tanya Wolffs

Kristen Asleson

You can contact the booster club by email at

The Lanesboro Booster Club directly benefits students by providing funding and support for extracurricular programs, sports teams, arts and other activities that enhance our kids’ school experiences.

The Board-member terms are 3-years, and the renewal month is May.  By joining the Booster Club, you become part of a network of parents, teachers, and community members working together to create positive opportunities for students.  Plus, we have fun! If you would like to join the Booster Club as a member, or perhaps the Board, please follow the link to fill out the form.

Annually, the Booster Club hosts fun events like the Burro Pride golf tournament, the homecoming BBQ, and many fun events in between.

We do have Burrowear available, and if you stop in the school office, you will be helped to purchase your items.  We have sweatshirts, t-shirts, pant, pullovers, hats, scarves and much more!

Scholarship Form

Booster Club Membership Form

Funds Request Form

Booster Club Scholarship Flyer