School Equipment for Sale

While we work hard to get the most out of our equipment, supplies, and furnishings, our resources do eventually reach a functional end-of-life, where they are either unusable, inappropriate, or disproportionately costly to maintain.  Please check back often for items that you may wish to bid on or purchase.

Items are for sale as noted.  You may choose to purchase at the asking price by calling Garrett Stadsvold in the Business Office at Lanesboro Schools to notify of your intent to purchase.  If you are the first to call in regards to an item you will need to bring cash or check in the amount of full purchase price within 48 hours of your call. You can call 507-467-2229 to purchase items at asking price.

In some cases, you may also be asked to submit a bid in writing to Garrett Stadsvold in the Business Office at Lanesboro Schools prior to 1:00pm on the closing date noted for an item. Please note the name and item number that you are bidding on, your offer price, and your name and phone number in a sealed envelope for each item you wish to bid on.  Winning bidders will be notified by 3:00pm the business day following the closing of bids.

All items are sold as-is, where-is and will need to be removed/picked up by the winner.  Some items are still installed in their original locations.  You will be responsible for removing and transporting any items that you purchase.  Pick-up will be organized with our Head of Maintenance.

Items for Sale or Bid

Lanesboro School District #229 is selling the following items for the listed price. Please email Garrett Stadsvold at if you would like to make a purchase:

For Sale by Listed Price:

None at this time.

For Sale by Sealed Bid

Lanesboro School District #229 will accept sealed bids for the sale of the following:

None at this time.

Lanesboro Schools District #229 reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids, to waive any defects or technicalities in the bidding, and determine whether a bid is responsive or non-responsive.

All items sold "as is, where is" to the highest bidder, no warranties expressed or implied.

In the event the highest bidder is unable to accept the bid award, then the next highest bidder will be granted the bid providing the bid amount is immediately available. This process will continue until a successful bid is found and is acceptable.

Payment may be made by cash, money order, certified or cashier's check and for the full amount prior to removal of the equipment. All equipment must be paid for and removed from the premises by 2:00 p.m. XXXX or the winning bid will be rejected as non-responsive.

Sealed bids may be dropped off at the Lanesboro School District Office or mailed to Lanesboro Public School, 100 Kirkwood St E, Lanesboro MN, 55949

Bids should include the following information.

  1. Amount of bid

  2. Name of bidder

  3. Address of bidder

  4. Phone number of bidder.